Board of Directors approves EDF Luminus’s intention to go public


EDF Luminus, premier challenger belge de l’énergie, annonce son projet d’introduction en bourse sur Euronext Bruxelles. Cette opération pourrait être réalisée d’ici la fin de l’année 2015, sous réserve des conditions de marché et de l’approbation de l’Autorité belge des Services et Marchés financiers (FSMA).

EDF Luminus, first challenger on the Belgian energy market, announces its intention to float and list on Euronext Brussels. This operation could be finalised before the end of 2015, subject to the market conditions and approval by the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA).

In accordance with the current shareholders’ agreement with EDF, concluded on 16 April 2010, the Belgian shareholders of EDF Luminus have submitted an application for admission to quotation with a view to selling their shares. The EDF Group currently controls 63.5% of the capital of EDF Luminus through its subsidiary EDF Belgium. The remaining 36.5% is owned by Belgian shareholders Publilec, Publilum, Socofe, VEH, Ethias and Nethys. At its meeting in Brussels on 13 May 2015, the Board of Directors decided to initiate the process of initial public offering of these shares.

For several years, EDF Luminus has implemented a thorough transformation with the aim of achieving growth in onshore wind power and energy services, and becoming the leading energy partner throughout Belgium. To realise this ambition, EDF Luminus wishes to capitalise on its strong ties with local communities, the quality of its services, its range of innovative solutions and its expertise as to energy.

The successes achieved demonstrate the pertinence of the strategy and the quality of EDF Luminus’s economic model. The company has gained 50,000 new customers and has maintained a high level of customer satisfaction.[1]

The solutions provided by EDF Luminus were extended in 2014 with new energy services for residential customers thanks to holdings in RAMI Services and Dauvister. Through the acquisition of ATS[2], announced in April 2015, the company expanded its range of solutions for industrial customers as well as customers in the services and public sectors.

The share of renewable energy in EDF Luminus’s energy mix also increased considerably.

This way, the company gained a leading position in terms of development of onshore wind power in Belgium and was able to reinforce its prominent role in the green energy sector in 2014. The company also helps ensure security of supply in Belgium through the contribution of the Seraing combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) to the strategic reserve, enabling transmission grid operator Elia to make use of this gas-fired power station to avoid power shortages. Flotation on the stock market will further increase the financial and strategic flexibility of EDF Luminus.


[1] Source: VREG

[2] Subject to the approval of the Belgian competition authority




Important information


The information in the announcement is provided for general information only and does not claim to be exhaustive or complete. This announcement does not constitute, or form part of, any offer or invitation to purchase or issue shares or any solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for any shares, and any purchase of, subscription for, or request for shares in EDF Luminus NV (the “Company”) must be done on the basis of information included in a prospectus issued in due time by the Company with regard to the offering of such shares and, as the case may be, on the basis of the supplements to the prospectus. This announcement is not a prospectus. The prospectus shall include detailed information on the Company and its management, the risks involved in investment in the Company as well as the financial statements and other financial data. This announcement and the information included therein are not for release, publication or distribution in or to the United States of America, Australia, Canada or Japan. The completion date of the offering or of the admission to trading of the shares can be affected by market conditions, among other things. There are no guaranties that such an offering or admission to trading will take place and financial decisions should never be based on the Company’s intentions with regard to such an offering or admission to trading in this stage.

Nico De Bie

Head of External Communication, EDF Luminus

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About Luminus

We produce electricity and provide energy as well as energy services. We are the number one in onshore wind energy and hydropower in Belgium. We play a central role in securing energy supplies in Belgium thanks to several natural gas power plants that enable us to respond to the variable character of solar and wind energy. With an installed capacity of 2,258 MW in December 2024, Luminus represents about 10% of the total installed capacity in Belgium. We sell electricity, natural gas and energy services to private and corporate clients, with a commercial market share of about 23%. We invest in future energy challenges by offering innovative solutions to clients in the field of energy efficiency and by keeping focusing on sustainable energy development. We have  2,915 employees. The majority of these people are fully dedicated to the development of energy efficiency services and renewable energy. For the thirteenth year in a row, our company is among the 81 companies that have been elected Top Employer in Belgium. We have strong ties with local communities and boast the expertise of the EDF Group, one of the world leaders in the energy industry. More information is available on


Boulevard du Roi Albert II 7 1210 Bruxelles Belgique

+32 (0)2 229 19 50