Distribution cost adjustment: EDF Luminus customers receive personal calculation

Today, Flemish energy regulator VREG announced the new distribution grid rates applicable as from 1 January 2015. To avoid any unpleasant surprises for our customers and to help them manage their energy budget, EDF Luminus will provide every customer impacted with a personal calculation, taking into account the new distribution grid rates. This way, EDF Luminus customers can adjust their monthly advance payments and keep their energy budget under control if desired. EDF Luminus does not increase its own rates.

EDF Luminus does not increase its rates

This morning, Flemish energy regulator VREG disclosed the distribution grid rates that will apply from 1 January 2015 onwards. EDF Luminus emphasises that energy suppliers do not have any influence on the grid rates and that this adjustment does not impact the energy prices. It should be borne in mind that the energy bill consists of three components: the energy price, the distribution and transmission costs or the grid charges, and taxes & levies. The energy price is the amount the customer pays for their energy consumption. This includes utility charges and the price of electricity and natural gas per kWh. The energy price is the only component of the energy bill which the energy supplier can influence, and this price will remain unchanged.


EDF Luminus helps its customers

From 1 February 2015 onwards, all EDF Luminus customers whose advance payment increases by at least € 5 will receive a personalised calculation explaining the impact the changing distribution grid rates will have on their energy bill. Customers can then decide whether they wish to adjust their advance payments. This adjustment can be requested in a variety of ways: by text message, reply card, personal web link or phone. Every effort shall be made to make the process as simple and transparent as possible for customers.


Customer satisfaction, EDF Luminus’s top priority

EDF Luminus achieved the maximum of 5 stars when the quality of energy suppliers was compared by VREG, with just 1.16 complaints per 5000 customers. Investment in customer satisfaction is not an empty promise for EDF Luminus. Maximum customer orientation and satisfaction is part of the company’s DNA. The personalised calculation customers will receive following the change in distribution grid rates fits into this strategy.

Nico De Bie

Head of External Communication

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About Luminus

We produce electricity and provide energy as well as energy services. We are the number one in onshore wind energy and hydropower in Belgium. We play a central role in securing energy supplies in Belgium thanks to several natural gas power plants that enable us to respond to the variable character of solar and wind energy. With an installed capacity of 2,199 MW in August 2024, Luminus represents about 10% of the total installed capacity in Belgium. We sell electricity, natural gas and energy services to private and corporate clients, with a commercial market share of about 23%. We invest in future energy challenges by offering innovative solutions to clients in the field of energy efficiency and by keeping focusing on sustainable energy development. We have  2,915 employees. The majority of these people are fully dedicated to the development of energy efficiency services and renewable energy. For the twelfth year in a row, our company is among the 87 companies that have been elected Top Employer in Belgium. We have strong ties with local communities and boast the expertise of the EDF Group, one of the world leaders in the energy industry. More information is available on www.luminus.be


Boulevard du Roi Albert II 7 1210 Bruxelles Belgique

+32 (0)2 229 19 50

