EDF Luminus launches the cooperative society EDF Luminus Wind Together
EDF Luminus wants to get citizens more closely involved in the development and operation of its wind energy projects and therefore launches the cooperative society with limited liability (CVBA) EDF Luminus Wind Together. The aim of the company is to raise a cooperative capital to be invested in several renewable energy projects, and to make the general public aware of renewable energy projects.
Strengthen the ties with the region and encourage local residents to participate in the energy transition
EDF Luminus, first challenger on the Belgian energy market and market leader in renewable energy, wants to give citizens the chance to invest in renewable energy projects and to share in the profits of those projects. The cooperative society’s aim is to encourage and promote renewable energy projects and sustainable energy use.
An open initiative
By means of this citizens’ initiative, EDF Luminus wants to involve as many citizens as possible, including but not limited to local residents, in its renewable energy projects. Any natural person living or residing in Belgium and any legal person established in Belgium can make a contribution of 3,000 euro per person. Today, a first public offering of shares of 2 million euro is launched. This offer to invest in the wind farms of Tessenderlo & Berloz remains valid until 31/12/2016.
Higher return than a savings account
EDF Luminus Wind Together strives for a return of, on average, 4.4% of the capital value of the shares, but there is no minimum dividend guarantee. This return is significantly higher than the return of a classic savings account. A share will cost 125 euro.
Historically a green energy producer and supplier
EDF Luminus has invested in the production of renewable energy for over 60 years. Over 16% of its energy production comes from renewable energy sources of Belgian origin. The number of EDF Luminus wind turbines is steadily increasing. At the end of 2015, EDF Luminus had 29 wind farms with a combined capacity of 254 MW, which roughly corresponds to the yearly power consumption of 141,000 households. As the market leader, EDF Luminus owns 16% of the Belgian onshore wind capacity. Between 2015 and 2018, EDF Luminus aims to invest € 600 million mainly in wind power and energy services.