Minister Turtelboom inaugurates six EDF Luminus wind turbines in Olen and Geel
Vice minister-president of the Flemish Government and Flemish Minister for Energy Annemie Turtelboom has inaugurated six wind turbines with a combined capacity of 13.8 MW; they were constructed by EDF Luminus on the premises of six companies at the Lammerdries industrial estate in Olen and Geel.
Perfect integration in an industrial estate
The six wind turbines were constructed along the Albert Canal at the Lammerdries industrial estate in Olen and Geel. Six companies opted to install a wind turbine and generate green electricity locally. Five wind turbines are directly connected to the grid. The sixth wind turbine directly supplies the company with green electricity.
Positive impact on the environment
The installation of these wind turbines will offset 20,250 tonnes of CO2 emissions of a conventional coal-fired power station. This is equivalent to preventing the emissions of 8,852 cars (1) or 3,292 homes (2).
EDF Luminus currently operates a total of 93 wind turbines in Belgium and thus generates 385 GWh of wind power a year, supplying over 110,000 households with electricity. Peaking power plants will be run to meet electricity demand in periods of no wind.
A strategy for the development of renewable energy
EDF Luminus has invested in the production of renewable energy for over 50 years. About 14% of its energy production comes from renewable sources of Belgian origin and the company occupies a leading position in the production of hydropower and wind energy in Belgium. With 70 MW, these 6 new wind turbines accounted for 20% of the total growth of EDF Luminus’s wind power capacity in 2014, making the company the number 1 in the field of wind development.
(1) based on 15,000 km/year and an average emission of 152.5 g CO2/km in Belgium
(2) based on an average emission of 6150 kg/home/year