The City of Genk and EDF Luminus are looking for 300 smart Genk residents

The City of Genk and EDF Luminus are looking for 300 Genk residents willing to try out a ‘smart thermostat’. In 2014, EDF Luminus and the City of Genk signed a cooperation agreement to exchange expertise and develop concrete sustainable and innovative projects concerning smart cities together.  The first project concerned the optimisation of public lighting, and now their collaboration translates into a new project with 300 Netatmo smart thermostats being put at the disposal of Genk residents for free.  

Heating and hot water represent about 85 percent of the total energy consumption of households, while lighting and domestic appliances account for 15%. So most savings can be made on the heating budget. The smart thermostat takes into account the house’s level of insulation and the outside temperature by means of an automatic link to the weather forecast. As such, the inside temperature can be controlled easily, even when you are not there. This saves up to 10 percent of energy.

“This project makes the smart city concept tangible. In the coming years, the challenge is to turn Genk into a smart city both socially and technologically ready for the future. Sustainable management of energy has an important role  to play in this", says Joke Quintens of the City of Genk. “Now we are making the cooperation agreement with the city of Genk very concrete for its residents. Our smart thermostat calculates the optimum heating cycle of their home: based on the insulation present and the outside temperature, the thermostat determines how to heat the house most efficiently. Moreover, the participants will receive a personal energy report containing information about their consumption and energy tips each month”, says project leader Geert Leppens of EDF Luminus.

To participate in the project, you do not have to be a Luminus customer, participating is free of charge. Moreover, the thermostat will be installed by a Luminus technician and the participants will receive assistance until 2017. At the end of this period, the participants are allowed to keep the thermostat. They are, however, asked to provide feedback on the thermostat by means of a questionnaire.

Anyone who would like to participate can do so via  

Nico De Bie

Head of External Communication, EDF Luminus

Peter Vos

Dienst Leefmilieu, Stad Genk

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About Luminus

We produce electricity and provide energy as well as energy services. We are the number one in onshore wind energy and hydropower in Belgium. We play a central role in securing energy supplies in Belgium thanks to several natural gas power plants that enable us to respond to the variable character of solar and wind energy. With an installed capacity of 2,258 MW in December 2024, Luminus represents about 10% of the total installed capacity in Belgium. We sell electricity, natural gas and energy services to private and corporate clients, with a commercial market share of about 23%. We invest in future energy challenges by offering innovative solutions to clients in the field of energy efficiency and by keeping focusing on sustainable energy development. We have  2,915 employees. The majority of these people are fully dedicated to the development of energy efficiency services and renewable energy. For the thirteenth year in a row, our company is among the 81 companies that have been elected Top Employer in Belgium. We have strong ties with local communities and boast the expertise of the EDF Group, one of the world leaders in the energy industry. More information is available on


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