The EDF Group, EDF Luminus and the city of Genk collaborate on a sustainable city


Today, the EDF Group, EDF Luminus and the city of Genk signed a cooperation agreement to exchange expertise and develop concrete sustainable and innovative projects regarding Smart Cities for the city of Genk. The EDF Group and EDF Luminus consider this agreement an example of their commitment to supporting local initiatives in a province where the Belgian energy supplier and producer has been active for a long time.

A different look at energy

By 2050, 75% of the world population will live in an urban environment. The EDF Group and EDF Luminus are well aware that this is a major challenge. They are convinced that the traditional manner of using energy should be revised and that new sustainable solutions should be provided to citizens.

The EDF Group, world leader in electricity and the biggest electricity producer in Europe, invests € 500 million a year in R&D. One of the top priorities is ‘sustainable cities’.

In Belgium, EDF Luminus has developed an innovation strategy and addresses the challenges as to energy, economy and the environment. EDF Luminus focuses on new technologies for electricity generation, energy efficiency, the social impact of projects and their environmental effects.

Innovative, sustainable and mobilising projects in the city of Genk

The city of Genk has the explicit ambition to innovate in the field of urban development. To secure and reinforce Genk’s future role, the city aims to achieve a transition from an industrial manufacturing economy to an innovative and sustainable manufacturing and knowledge-based economy.

The city of Genk invests in various sustainable mobility and energy efficiency projects. EDF Luminus and the EDF Group have made their expertise available to support these projects.

Public lighting analysed

A concrete example of the collaboration between EDF Luminus and the city of Genk is the assessment of street lighting on the territory of Genk, which is unique for Belgium. The intended benefits are numerous: increase the comfort and safety of citizens, optimise energy consumption, make sustainable investments in smart technologies and tackle light pollution.

A master plan for electric mobility in Limburg

On behalf of Infrax, EDF Luminus will draw up a master plan for the installation of public charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in 44 Limburg municipalities, including Genk, with a view to attaining the European objective of having 12,000 public charging stations in Belgium by 2020. There are currently 1000 charging stations in the whole of Belgium.

In addition, projects are in place concerning energy efficiency and optimisation in public buildings which take into account the integration of renewable energy sources, and which will be integrated into research projects undertaken by the EDF Group.

A partnership which benefits all parties

The EDF Group and EDF Luminus will test the implementation of their expertise in concrete projects by actively collaborating with cities and municipalities. It is in their interest to be able to make use of this knowhow, which creates added value.

Grégoire Dallemagne, CEO of EDF Luminus: “We are proud to be able to reinforce our ties with the province of Limburg and develop innovative and sustainable solutions for the inhabitants of this region, where our company has been present for a considerable time.”

Wim Dries, Mayor of Genk: "With the development of Thor Park in Genk, we invest in innovations in the field of energy and sustainability. By means of this cooperation agreement, we wish to apply these innovations to our area and capitalise on them as a laboratory city.”

The agreement signed today by the city of Genk, the EDF Group and EDF Luminus is concrete proof of the willingness to find solutions to the environmental challenges through innovation: sustainable cities, smart networks, electric vehicles and energy efficiency of buildings are only a few examples.


Nico De Bie

Head of External Communication, EDF Luminus

Wim Dries

Bourgmestre de la Ville de Genk, la Ville de Genk

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À propos de Luminus

Nous produisons de l’électricité et fournissons de l’énergie et des services énergétiques. Nous sommes numéro 1 en éolien terrestre et en énergie hydro-électrique en Belgique. Nous jouons également un rôle clé dans la sécurité de l’approvisionnement en Belgique grâce à plusieurs centrales électriques au gaz naturel qui compensent le caractère fluctuant du solaire et de l’éolien. Avec une capacité installée de 2.212 MW en août 2024, elle représente environ 10 % de la capacité totale installée du pays. Nous vendons de l’électricité, du gaz et des services énergétiques à des clients privés et professionnels, pour une part de marché d’environ 23 %. Nous investissons pour faire face aux enjeux énergétiques de demain en proposant à nos clients des solutions d’efficacité énergétique innovantes et poursuivons nos développements dans le renouvelable. Nous sommes 2915 collaborateurs. La majorité d’entre eux dédie son temps au développement des services d’efficacité énergétique et des énergies renouvelables. Pour la douzième année consécutive, notre entreprise se classe parmi les 87 entreprises belges élues Top Employer. Nous tirons parti de notre forte présence locale et de l’expertise du groupe EDF, l’un des acteurs majeurs du secteur mondial de l’énergie. Plus d’informations sur


Boulevard Roi Albert II 7 1210 Bruxelles Belgique

+32 (0)2 229 19 50