The EDF Luminus honeybee colonies have survived the winter in excellent condition: 100% survival rate thanks to a partner / expert

In May 2014, EDF Luminus welcomed 12 honeybee colonies at 4 sites within the scope of a partnership with BeeOdiversity. The purpose of this collaboration is to contribute to the protection of bees, which are under serious threat. After the end of last winter, the results are positive: the 12 colonies established in Seraing, Gent Ringvaart and other locations are perfectly healthy.

The overall situation is alarming, however: bee populations are declining in Belgium and throughout Europe. In 10 years’ time, the mortality rate of bees increased from 17% (in 2004) to 32% (in 2013). This is due to various causes: lack of suitable food, diseases, pesticides and harsh winters. The consequences may be even more serious: 84% of plants in Europa depend on pollinating insects.

EDF Luminus has protected biodiversity for many years and, whenever possible, goes beyond the legal requirements. Within this scope, the company decided to support the protection of bees. In late 2013, it therefore entered into a partnership with BeeOdiversity, a young enterprise managing over 250 colonies. BeeOdiversity has monitored the mortality rate of bees across Belgium in collaboration with the universities of Ghent and Liège since 2004. It gives beekeepers who have already lost many bees the opportunity to be supplied with bees free of charge. In exchange, the beekeepers have to follow a strict protocol centred around the protection of bees and not the production of honey. Over 100 beekeepers have so far partnered with BeeOdiversity.

To participate in this project, EDF Luminus had to:

  • Select sites which provide suitable food within a 3 km radius from March to October. In addition, the hives were installed in rural and not in urban areas;
  • Accurately identify the locations, making it possible to comply with the regulations as to the location of colonies (at least 20km from public roads, at least 10m from barriers of 2m or higher);
  • Inform staff on the prevention of bee stings and what to do in case of bee stings;
  • Follow the protocol imposed by BeeOdiversity, which ensures a mortality rate of less than 5%;
  • Inspect the colonies at fixed intervals to check their health.

The BeeOdiversity report from early March states that the bees have survived the winter well and predicts that honey yields will be excellent this summer.

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Nous produisons de l’électricité et fournissons de l’énergie et des services énergétiques. Nous sommes numéro 1 en éolien terrestre et en énergie hydro-électrique en Belgique. Nous jouons également un rôle clé dans la sécurité de l’approvisionnement en Belgique grâce à plusieurs centrales électriques au gaz naturel qui compensent le caractère fluctuant du solaire et de l’éolien. Avec une capacité installée de 2.199 MW en janvier 2024, elle représente environ 10 % de la capacité totale installée du pays. Nous vendons de l’électricité, du gaz et des services énergétiques à des clients privés et professionnels, pour une part de marché d’environ 23 %. Nous investissons pour faire face aux enjeux énergétiques de demain en proposant à nos clients des solutions d’efficacité énergétique innovantes et poursuivons nos développements dans le renouvelable. Nous sommes 2915 collaborateurs. La majorité d’entre eux dédie son temps au développement des services d’efficacité énergétique et des énergies renouvelables. Pour la douzième année consécutive, notre entreprise se classe parmi les 87 entreprises belges élues Top Employer. Nous tirons parti de notre forte présence locale et de l’expertise du groupe EDF, l’un des acteurs majeurs du secteur mondial de l’énergie. Plus d’informations sur


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