WE-Power and EDF Luminus inaugurate 3 wind turbines in Spy

EDF Luminus, first challenger on the Belgian energy market, and WE-Power, the energy producer and supplier of Colruyt Group, have inaugurated the three 3.4 MW wind turbines they constructed together along the E42 motorway in Spy in the presence of Minister of Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Marie-Christine Marghem. This reflects their mutual desire to work on the sustainable development of both companies.
A joint initiative by EDF Luminus and WE-Power (Colruyt Group)
Today, EDF Luminus, first challenger on the Belgian energy market and leader in renewable energy, and WE-Power, the energy producer and supplier of Colruyt Group, have inaugurated their three wind turbines located along the E42 motorway in Spy in the presence of Minister of Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Marie-Christine Marghem. One of these wind turbines is owned by WE-Power, the other two are the property of EDF Luminus. After the recent acquisition of wind turbines in Floreffe and Tessenderlo and the establishment of a partnership with Marlux-Stradus (Ghent) and Evonik (Antwerp), EDF Luminus considers this the confirmation of the cooperation with Colruyt Group, a preferred partner who shares its vision on sustainable development.
Positive impact on the environment
With an installed capacity of 3.4 MW each, the wind turbines will provide 5250 households with electricity. This will offset 15,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions of a conventional coal-fired power station on a yearly basis. This saving is equivalent to preventing the emissions of over 4000 cars (1) or 1500 homes (2). Peaking power plants will be run to meet electricity demand in periods of no wind.
Two companies jointly drawing up a policy for sustainable development
EDF Luminus has invested in the production of renewable energy for over 50 years. Over 10% of its energy production comes from renewable sources of Belgian origin. The company is currently considered the Belgian leader in hydropower and a major market player in the field of wind energy in Belgium. Earlier this year, EDF Luminus extended its wind power capacity with 18 wind turbines. EDF Luminus operates a total of 78 wind turbines in Belgium. The company now generates 250 GWh of wind power annually, supplying electricity to over 70,000 households with a standard consumption of 3.5 MWh a year.
WE-Power already owns 7 wind turbines: 3 near the Dassenveld distribution centre in Halle (1999 and 2014), 1 near the production and distribution centre in Ghislenghien (2006), 2 in Ieper and now one in Spy. Two additional wind turbines are currently under construction at the Dassenveld site. WE-Power has also obtained a permit for the construction of 2 wind turbines at the Laekebeek site in Lot, the location of a major distribution centre of Colruyt Group. Finally, a permit application has been submitted with a view to installing a wind turbine at the Colruyt Group Fine Food (formerly Vlevico) sites and at the site of the future distribution centre in Ath-Lessines.
WE-Power deals with all Colruyt Group projects concerning onshore sustainable energy production. To ensure stable energy production, the company uses different technologies and forms of energy, including solar panels and wind turbines. WE-Power has supplied energy to Colruyt Group’s internal partners since July 2013. It has access to the wholesale market as its onshore production only covers 10 % of the group’s needs. Thanks to its in-house energy supplier, Colruyt Group can optimise its energy use, achieve greater autonomy in the energy market and manage its costs.
(1) based on 15,000 km/year and an average emission of 152.5 g CO2/km in Belgium
(2) based on an average emission of 6150 kg/home/year